Kiperson (KP) provides services related to strategic planning, product marketing, target market selection, ROI analysis, talent recruiting, distribution channels, supply-chain management and operation systems–including software selection. KP consultants typically work with clients to find solutions to solve a defined problem. That process may start with assessing and defining the problem accurately, and then establish the parameters and metrics related to a solution set. We often help clients determine product and market strategy, including finding niche markets and distribution channels.


Project Management – The starting point for most of our engagement is understanding the problem and coming up with a set of plans to solve it. The client is actively engaged in determining the course of action and budget to pursue. We follow-up with schedules, contract vendors and make sure projects are completed on time and budget

Legal and Contracts – Often times clients need input on contracts provided by vendors or need to create contracts to secure negotiated agreements. We advise on hiring the appropriate legal counsel as well as work with the client’s existing counsel on making sure relevant issues related to the project are covered.

ROI Analysis – Before undertaking any investments, we help clients establish ROI benchmarks and matrices to determine if and when an investment will yield the targeted return on investment. Our ROI analysis covers any type of investments or planned improvements, including equipment, process change, personnel, or infrastructure.


Design and Installation – After discussion with clients, we provide different options for storage, manufacturing systems and processes, with recommendation for the type of equipment and/or software that would make their operations most efficient–all based on a budget guidance they provide us.

Equipment and Processes – Clients often contact us for advice and opinions on specific issues such as equipment and machinery recommendation. We help clients define standard operating processes and help create efficiency metrics.

ERP and WMS – Review client’s operations and business needs and recommend software systems that will meet the client’s needs. Our consultants for software systems have years and multiple implementation experience that we bring to the client’s side of the table during the assessment and implementation stages.

Warehouse and Physical Distribution – From time-to-time, we are brought into a pre-lease signing review period to offer suggestions and comments about terms and conditions that would be advantageous to the client before signing a long-term lease with a new landlord. Including local city / county permit requirements, and storage capacity calculations (e.g. how many pallets and containers can fit into the target building).

Production and Quality Systems – Develop and review standard operating processes (SOP) and total quality management systems (TQMS), as well as recommend improvements to productivity to client’s existing operational practices.

Human Resources, Talent Analytics

HR Recruitment and Organization Chart development – When a client starts new in an area, they usually need to add headcount quickly. Using our network of over ten years of active recruitment and relationships with temporary staffing agencies, we can help clients staff-up quickly.

HR Handbook, Payroll Services and Market Wage Evaluation – Once a client establishes a hiring plan, we also help them create handbooks and other policies to navigate the rules and regulations of California’s employment laws. Furthermore, we help clients set market wages based on defined hiring roles so they are both able to recruit the best talent possible, as well as operate in compliance with prevailing rules governing hourly wage and salary positions.

Talent and Personnel Analytics – The relatively new field of analyzing effectiveness of HR recruiting and enterprise’s use of existing talent pool as measured against KPIs, OKRs and the client’s overall strategic goals.

Sales and Marketing

Target Market Analysis – Depending on the target market and type of product, we provide market surveys and other assessments for clients to gain better insight of their product’s or service’s target market.

Regulatory / Compliance – Understanding product regulations and liability, such as FDA rules and consumer advertising laws, is critical to distributing products. KP can assist clients to understand the proper regulatory and compliance requirements, including hiring counsel and experts in the field.

Structuring Compensation – We help clients develop compensation formulas and agreements that makes sense for their products & services. We conduct market wage surveys and gather data points which allow clients to be competitive in attracting top marketing and sales talent.